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NeuroMedia Software launches certification of podcast audiences

Image of NeuroMedia Software launches certification of podcast audiences
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What podcasts are the most listened to? How many people listen to my podcast? Is it worth investing in a podcast? These are the questions the market is asking today.  

For now, each broadcaster is developing its own method of measuring audiences. The result?  Numbers are difficult to compare. This lack of transparency represents a huge shortfall for advertisers. Media agencies, advertising agencies, and advertisers want access to reliable and consistent data between them. 

With over 10 years of experience in audience measurement, NeuroMedia Software offers a solution for certifying audience numbers. “Broadcasters continue to use their own tools: NeuroMedia Software audits the methodologies, corrects biases and delivers certification,” explains Pierre Mengal, co-founder of NeuroMedia Software. 

Ranking in Denmark and Belgium 

For example, NeuroMedia Software is an accredited certifier for Denmark, where broadcasters set up the DK Podcast Index ranking. In Belgium, the company is working with the Media Information Centre to measure the audiometry of IP radio (streaming internet radio). “The NeuroMedia Software certification is valid for digital content: podcasts, and also on-demand audio, live audio, video on-demand and live video,” says Dany Donnen, co-founder.  

Why ask for a certification by NeuroMedia Software? 

  • Certification by an independent third party. 
  • Multi-technology: Adapts to the customer’s measurement method, whether based on international guidelines or not. The customer chooses their system, and NeuroMedia Software certifies it. Therefore, certification is always linked to a specific methodology described on a dedicated page accessible to all. 
  • Affordable, reasonable price, accessible to smaller broadcasters. 
  • Ability to monetise an audience with fair and verified numbers.         

“NeuroMedia Certified” is intended for content producers (radio stations, podcasts, television broadcasters) and media agencies, advertising agencies, and advertisers. 
